Saturday, September 8, 2012


Alright, well, I figured I should update you guys, in case anyone was worried about what happened yesterday. I talked to Allen, and he said I seemed completely fine during the movie yesterday, and when he dropped me off. I still can't remember anything from about the time when I was picked up until I woke up after I'd gotten home, aside from those flowers.

I found them, by the way. They were upstairs, in my bedroom, in a vase I've never seen before. As I said before, everything is foggy, but... I don't remember ever going upstairs after I got home. It's especially unnerving that I found my backdoor partially ajar, and unlocked on top of that. Other than the flowers, though, nothing seems out of place. Nothing is missing, either. I don't want to call the police over something silly like this, but I'm still nervous... I can't even be sure if my backdoor was unlocked when I left or not, but I'm getting my locks changed anyways.

Oh, and I'm not an expert on flowers or anything, but in case it might mean something to anyone... The bouquet consisted of daffodils, Forget-Me-Nots (ha), and these cute, tiny, purple flowers that I don't know the name of

And I know this was supposed to be a blog for movie reviews. I'll try to post one soon... I don't know the next time I'll be going to see a new movie, though. Sorry!


  1. Maybe you should get familiar with the language of flowers. Just in case.

    1. Language of flowers...? Don't think I've heard of that before. I'll look into it, though. Thanks.
